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Read Thru the Bible in 2025!

Bible Reading Plans

2 Timothy 2:15 states, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

To do so we need to be students of the Bible. Therefore, we need to be reading it. Yet, many say, "I just don't understand what I'm reading all the time," or, "I want to read through the Bible, but not sure how to do it." 

We want to help you by providing the options to choose from below. Pick one today and begin the 2025 Journey of Reading Through the Bible!


Option 1
The Bible Recap

Commuter with Headphones

Option 2: Audio Version
Dwell Bible App

Scan with Phone

This app requires a small fee that would be equivalent to the purchase of a bible. 

Option 3
The Bible Project

Scan with Phone

(Includes video helps)
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