Sunday Ministry
Sunday mornings are filled with opportunities for the whole family to be built up in the worship of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to equip God's people for the work of the ministry and to do the works of Christ at home, work, and in personal time.
As a church family, we gather for in-depth study of God’s Word in class settings. These are core aspects to the ministry providing for in-depth discipleship and training in small groups. The style of teaching is interactive with teaching and discussion. Each class is led by those who have a strong love for the Lord and knowledge of the Scriptures. Classes are available for all ages.
The preaching of God's Word is central to the family worship. We believe in expository preaching of the Bible. You will hear God's Word read, taught, and then applied to the world we live.
"Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." Psalm 95:6
9:00 a.m. Breakfast is Served
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Age appropriate classes for toddlers - teens
Three Adult Bible Studies to choose from
10:30 a.m. Family Worship
11:00 a.m. Children's Church (see below for details)
Adventure Zion
Children's Church
A highlight of our kids' Sunday is the time spent with well-trained teachers who take them through the Bible, teaching them what God says and how it applies to their lives.
We use skits, interactive teaching, and games to aid them in their learning and retention of the Biblical accounts. The curriculum has been written in house by teachers that have spent time in the classroom and homeschooling for over 20 years.
Children are released from the family worship around 11:00 a.m. to go to the classroom for this instructional time.