John 13-16
Sermon Series: Maintaining God’s Light in Today’s Culture
What a statement! Jesus' love was not based on what they would do in the hours to come. He would demonstrate His love for them in many ways in the next 24 hours. What is most intriguing to me regarding this portion of Scripture is the detail of Jesus' conversations and teachings to His disciples prior to His leaving and His releasing them into the world to go and do what He had intended them to do.
Why is this important to us? Why should we care what Jesus said 2000 years ago to a group of 12 men? The words of Jesus are for us today. We are facing many battles, and we are asked of God to go into the world while yet, not being of the world. The last night’s teaching of Jesus before His crucifixion will guide us to walk rightly when confronted by those who want you to change for their benefit rather than for God’s glory. How shall we then live?
Join us as we look for answers in John chapters 13-16.
January 9, 2022, Being God’s Light in Today’s Culture (Overview of John 13-16) Click Here To Watch!
January 30, 2022, Stay Clean (John 13:1-17) Click Here To Watch!
February 6, 2022, Be on Mission (John 13:18-30) Click Here To Watch!
February 13, 2022, Love as Jesus Loved (John 13:31-38) Click Here To Watch!
February 20, 2022, Trust Christ’s Promises (John 14:1-6) Click Here To Watch!
February 27, 2022, Walk by Faith (John 14:7-14) Click Here To Watch!
March 6, 2022, Love Jesus (John 14:15-24) Click Here To Watch!
March 13, 2022, Lay Hold of God’s Peace (John 14:25-31) Click Here To Watch!
March 20, 2022, Abide in Christ (John 15:1-7) Click Here To Watch!
March 27, 2022, Abide in Christ’s Love (John 15:8-27) Click Here To Watch!
April 3, 2022, Live by the Holy Spirit’s Power (John 16:1-15) Click Here To Watch!